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Friday, September 26, 2014

My Friends & I

Hello, people! Good morning/night! Since it's still morning, here, in Oman. I will be posting some photos and videos of my friends! Which will always be fun to see! This will also be a new series type post that I am starting! So, every time I have an update for my friends, this will be the series you will look for! These are some of my favorite photos with them! Since I am just starting "My Friends & I" series, most of the pictures are from the past and only one of them is recent. I wish I had pictures with some of my other friends...But I don't. But don't worry! I am planning to invite them over for a sleepover party! Once I get my new furniture, though. My house is a mess. So, stay tuned for new videos and photos of my friends and I!