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Saturday, September 19, 2015

High School & Goals Ahead

    It's that transition from I-don't-need-to-care-about-my-grades to grades are life and everything I will have to think about. High School. At least for some people. And of course, many other things go into your success in high school. Extra-curricular activities, SAT scores, the things you do outside of school, and many more. Passion and goals. And that's what I have in me now.
    Walking through school everyday on a daily basis made me start to really think about my peers, what do they think school is for? What keeps them going? Their dreams? Friends? Who knows. There are many of them who don't think too much about what they are doing. "All I know is that I have to get As and ace my classes," said one of my friends. But I don't think that actually makes them successful - if it does than well, I was stating my opinion.
     I truly believe that when you have a dream you want to catch, you become more diligent and focused on your tasks. "High school is a place where you start to find yourself," they say. Sure, of course it is. But I see flaws in the way some of my fellow peers interpret those words, they pick too many classes they like and try to stay away from the harder classes that are given to us as choices. But when you have a dream, something you're passionate about - you are able to plan ahead, to search for which colleges/universities you dream of going to, find out how to apply. No dreams are impossible, you're the one that just has to try and make it possible for yourself.
      I asked my friend the other day, "what college or university do you want to go to?" 
      And she replied, "Cambridge."
      "Cool. What are you planning to major in?"
      "I don't know."
      Sometimes I want to give my friends a long lecture about finding themselves early in their high school year so that, when it's time to apply to their colleges, they don't get too stressed out. I'm 13, a "freshman" in high school and I have already researched my top six colleges. If you asked me what I want to major in, I would already have the answer. I have already looked at what SATs are and signing up for courses near my house. No dreams are impossible when you put your time and effort to catch them. There's no more relaxing, do-nothing summers ever again for me. My relaxing summer times are done. Because I'm curious and want to be ahead and take online courses, do internships, do community services and help people, and join summer schools. Instead of feeling burdened, I'm actually ecstatic for the summers to come. Not because of no school but because of being able to use the free time to be more educated and experienced about the world outside of school. 
       I think its amazing when we learn new things, our brains start to change the way we think. Like the time when I was introduced to Physics, my mind was blown. When I was in the car with my family, all my mind could think about was the speed of the car and how we were actually going as fast as the car. Momentum, velocity, speed, those words stuck to me when I moved or when I saw someone/something else move. Education can do you good.
       To end this, I will be using a physics quote, "an object in motion stays in motion unless an unbalanced force is applied to it." The object is your dreams/goals, effort, motivation, and passion. The unbalanced force is you.